Our mission
Hidayah Community Center is a religious non-profit organization that offers many religious services for the Rochester community & beyond
After our mentor and shiekh Hazrat Dr, Mohammad Ismail Memon (Rahimahullah) had established the institutes: Darul Uloom Al-Madania in Buffalo, NY, And Darul Uloom Canada in Chatham, Ontario, he had a desire to start another institute in Rochester, NY. As there was a high demand from the people of Rochester to have an institute in there midst, where the children can have an opportunity to memorize the Quran and become imams and leaders for the future ummah. Finally after a long search, in March, 2023 we purchased a 16,000 sq ft property for $450,000.00, This property consists of classrooms, prayer halls, indoor gymnasium, banquet hall, kitchen, and much more. The purchase of the property was possible thru your duas & generous donations, Jazakumullah.
During the holy month of Ramadan, Hidayah center opened its doors to offer the Islamic services, i.e.: 5 daily prayers with jama'ah, including Jumuah & Taraweeh prayers, Daily Tafseer session, evening classes for children & adults, as well as community Iftar's and much more.
As you maybe aware, Hidayah Center had to take a loan for about $250,000.00. Alhamdulillah about half of this amount is already collected, Now we have about $125,000.00 remaining, So once again Hidayah Center is in need of your sincere Dua's & generous donations in returning the remaining loan before August 2023.
Please help and support Hidayah Center and make this a Sadaqah Jariyah for you and your loved ones. May Allah swt reward you and make this a means of entry in Janna-tul-firdaus without hisaab. Ameen
For your convenience, you can donate by any of the following methods:
Zelle: hidayahoffice786@gmail.com
CashApp: $hidayahcenter
Cash, Credit Card
Check (payable to Hidayah Center: 1092 Joseph Ave, Rochester, NY, 14621)
Hazrat Dr.Mohammad Ismail memon (RA)
ولد الدكتور محمد إسماعيل ميمني المدني في عام 1935 في بلدة صغيرة ، تعرف باسم مانجرول ، في ولاية جونا گهڑ ، الهند. و بعد تقسيم شبه القارة الهندية ، انتقلت عائلته إلى باكستان واستقرت في كراتشي.
بدأ بحثه عن العلوم عندما كان طالبًا صغيرًا. أثناء إكمال تعليمه الرسمي في الطب في كلية داو الطبية في كراتشي ، تعلم أيضًا اللغة العربية والمواد الدينية الأخرى في دار العلوم كراتشي.
في عام 1961 ، أكمل دراسته للطب وبعد ذلك بوقت قصير ، هاجر إلى المملكة العربية السعودية للعمل كمسؤول طبي رسمي.
كان تلميذا مخلصا للشيخ الراحل البارز الشيخ محمد زكريا الكاندهلوي رحمة الله عليه الذي درس العديد من العلوم الإسلامية في المدينة المنورة لما يقرب من 10 سنوات. سرعان ما جعله الحضور المنتظم للدكتور إسماعيل وتفانيه لمعلمه أحد المريدين المحبوبين للشيخ زكريا.
في عام 1967 ، حصل على إجازة المبايعة على الطريقة من فضيلة الشيخ زكريا رحمة الله عليه ، كما كانت تربطه صداقة وثيقة بالشيخ الراحل السيد أبو الحسن علي الندوي رحمة الله عليه.
هاجر من المدينة المنورة إلى كندا بقصد إنشاء مدرسة تعليمية إسلامية عام 1986. وبعد خمس سنوات من العمل الجاد والكفاح ، نجح ببركة الله في إنشاء *دار العلوم المدنية* في بفالو ، نيويورك. بعد ذلك هاجر إلى تشاتام بكندا وأنشأ هناك بنجاح *دار العلوم كندا* ومازالت المدرستين تخرج وتؤهل علماء وأئمة وخطباء في كندا وأمريكا والحمدللّه ...،
Hazrat Dr. Mohammad Ismail Memon Madani was born in 1935 in a small town, known as Mangrole, in Junagadh state, India. After the partition of the Indian subcontinent, his family moved to Pakistan and settled in Karachi.
His quest for knowledge began while a young student. While completing his formal education in Medicine at the Dow Medical College, he also learned the Arabic language and other religious subjects at Darul-Uloom Karachi. In 1961, he completed his study of medicine and shortly thereafter, migrated to Saudi Arabia to serve as the official Medical Officer.
He was a sincere student of the prominent late Shaykh al-Hadith, Shaykh Zakariya rahmatullahi alayh who taught many Islamic Sciences in Madinah Munawarrah for almost 10 years. Hazrat Dr. Ismail.s regular attendance and devotion to his teacher quickly made him one of Shaykh Zakariya.s beloved students.
In 1967, he received Ijazah for Bai.yah from Shaykh Zakariya rahmatullahi alayh He also had close friendship with the late Shaykh Abul Hassan Ali Nadwi rahmatullahi alayh.
He migrated from Madinat-ul-Munawwara to Canada with the intention of establishing an Islamic Educational Institution in 1986. After five years of hard work and struggle, he succeeded, with the blessing of Almighty Allah, in establishing the Darul-Uloom Al-Madania in Buffalo, New York. Thereafter he migrated to Chatham Canada and successfully established Darul Uloom Canada.
It was on Friday, February 03, 2023 when our beloved Shiekh Hazrat Dr.Ismail Memon Madani passed away, and returned to his creator. May Allah (swt) forgive all his shortcomings, and give him the highest levels of Jannatul-Firdaus. Ameen.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. Jazakumullah